The Backwoods little cigars manufacturing company has a motto: “Wild and soft.” It symbolizes a combination of appearance and delicate aroma. Moreover, the Backwoods little cigars have a surprisingly mild flavor, complemented by a range of pleasant aromas. This unique feature has made Backwoods little cigars extremely popular.
Cigar impressions are the most favorable. Smoking of Backwoods little cigars takes about 15-20 minutes. Is very convenient for morning smoking with a cup of coffee.
If we come to the varieties of Backwoods little cigars, we must pay attention to taste differences.
Backwoods Black & Light
These Backwoods little cigars look somewhat unusual: they are deliberately carelessly twisted, expand towards the end and have torn edges. Their shape is stylized as cigars smoked by the heroes of Westerns of 1960s. The original look, soft taste, one hundred percent tobacco and practical packaging – these are the secrets of the popularity of Backwoods little cigars. Their original aroma is so strong that it seems that hermetically sealed packaging is not a hindrance to him.
Backwoods Grape
These Backwoods little cigars look somewhat unusual: they are deliberately carelessly twisted, expand towards the end and have torn edges. Their shape is stylized as cigars smoked by the heroes of Westerns of 1960s. The original look, soft taste, one hundred percent tobacco and practical packaging – these are the secrets of the popularity of Backwoods little cigars. Their grape aroma is so strong that it seems that hermetically sealed packaging is not a hindrance to him.
Backwoods Honey
These Backwoods little cigars look somewhat unusual: they are deliberately carelessly twisted, expand towards the end and have torn edges. Their shape is stylized as cigars smoked by the heroes of Westerns of 1960s. The original look, soft taste, one hundred percent tobacco and practical packaging – these are the secrets of the popularity of Backwoods little cigars. Their honey aroma is so strong that it seems that hermetically sealed packaging is not a hindrance to him.
Are you looking for cheap Backwoods little cigars? Our online store offers a choice of Backwoods little cigars of various shapes, both wholesale and retail at reasonable prices. Our experts will