At the moment, the German company Dannemann owns three tobacco brands and they are Dannemann Moods little cigars, Al Capone and Dannemann. Under all brands, various types of cigarillos are produced, and only under the latest brand also cigars. Dannemann Moods little cigars appeared in the company’s assets in 1994 and they are flavored.
Conventionally, all series of Dannemann Moods little cigars can be divided into types and these are cigarillos either with a cigarette, acetate filter or without it.
The packs of Dannemann Moods little cigars are quite small, smaller than a pack of king size cigarettes. The pack is opened like a matchbox, giving access to the heel of small cigarillos.
The Dannemann Moods little cigars are 89 mm long and 8 mm in diameter. That is, the dimensions are roughly the same as for a regular cigarette. The filter is hidden by a solid cover sheet, so the cigarillo does not look like a cigarette.
And here is the filter. Its appearance is absolutely similar to a completely ordinary, cigarette, made of the most common acetate fiber.
And here is the autopsy result. The cover leaf is double and the top is really made of natural tobacco leaf.
The filters of Dannemann Moods little cigars are slightly sweetened, which is somewhat out of the ordinary bouquet. The taste of smoke is pleasant, tobacco (!), With a distinct note of cigar leaf. At the same time, the smoke is dense, without any pronounced aftertaste of flavors. Throughout smoking, the taste did not change at all, it is very stable. Only at the very end of smoking did the intensity of the cigar leaf slightly increase.
Dannemann Moods little cigars are a very good product! The smoke is moderately strong, nourishing, the taste is really tobacco! A cigarillo is smoked somewhere from 7 to 10 minutes, which is enough to get saturated with nicotine and get pleasure from the taste. The acetate filter of Dannemann Moods little cigars plays a rather nominal role, since the filling of Dannemann Moods little cigars is very resinous and it darkens literally with two puffs.