As a cigar enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the vast variety of cigars available in the market. However, one type of cigar that often gets overlooked by many is the little cigar. These small, pocket-sized cigars may not have the same prestige as their larger counterparts, but they definitely have their own unique charm and appeal. In this article, I will be delving into the world of little cigars, their history, their flavors, and why they are becoming increasingly popular among cigar lovers.
Little cigars, also known as cigarillos, come in a range of sizes, but they are generally smaller than traditional cigars and contain less tobacco. They are usually around the same size as a cigarette, making them a convenient choice for those who don’t have time to smoke a full-sized cigar. Little cigars are made by using a blend of fermented and aged tobacco leaves, just like regular cigars, but their smaller size and different process of rolling and blending set them apart.
The history of little cigars can be traced back to the 1800s when their popularity started to rise. They were initially created as a cheaper alternative to traditional cigars by using shorter and leftover tobacco leaves. Later on, they became widely popular among women, who were not allowed to smoke larger cigars due to societal norms. Little cigars were also preferred by soldiers during the World Wars due to their compact size and affordability. Today, little cigars are still loved by many and have evolved into a unique and distinct type of cigar.
One of the main reasons little cigars are gaining popularity is their affordability. They are relatively cheaper than regular cigars, making them a budget-friendly option for those who enjoy smoking cigars on a regular basis. Additionally, their small size and portability make them a popular choice for outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, or golfing. Little cigars also come in a variety of flavors, which appeal to a wider audience. From fruity to spicy, there is a little cigar flavor for everyone’s taste buds.
One of my favorite flavors in little cigars is cherry. The sweet and tangy flavor of cherry perfectly complements the rich and earthy taste of tobacco, creating a delicious and enjoyable smoking experience. Another popular flavor is vanilla, which adds a smooth and creamy element to the cigar. Little cigars also come in flavors like chocolate, coffee, and even rum, providing a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.
Apart from the flavors, another aspect that sets little cigars apart is the different types of wrappers used. Traditional cigars have a natural tobacco leaf wrapper, while little cigars can be found in various flavored and colored wrappers. For example, there are little cigars with honey-dipped wrappers, adding a hint of sweetness to the smoke. The variety in wrappers also makes little cigars more visually appealing and adds to the overall smoking experience.
Another reason why little cigars are gaining popularity is that they are a great choice for beginners or those who don’t want to commit to a full-sized cigar. The smaller size means that they are less intimidating to smoke and require less time commitment. However, this doesn’t mean that little cigars are only for beginners. Even seasoned cigar smokers can enjoy a little cigar every now and then, especially when they are short on time.
Some may argue that little cigars don’t provide the same richness and complexity of flavors as regular cigars. While this may be true to some extent, it does not take away from the fact that little cigars have their own distinct taste and appeal. They are great for a quick and enjoyable smoke, especially when paired with a good cup of coffee or a glass of rum. They also come in different shapes, such as conical or straight, adding to the variety in their appearance and smoking experience.
In conclusion, little cigars may not have the same prestige as traditional cigars, but they certainly have their own unique charm and appeal. They are affordable, convenient, and come in a variety of flavors and wrappers, making them a great choice for many cigar enthusiasts. So next time you are looking for a quick and enjoyable smoke, don’t forget to give little cigars a try. Who knows, they may just become your new favorite!