The emergence of Prime Time little cigars, a kind of light cigars, is associated with a great demand for quality tobacco products that would allow you to lose less time smoking. In appearance, it is a cross between ordinary cigarettes and cigars.
The first samples of these products appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, manufacturers produced small batches of cigarillos, which was due to the laboriousness of the process of rolling them. Equipment for the automation of their production appeared only in the middle of the 20th century, but even now their production takes much more time than cigars.
This product category is very popular in European countries, and about 90 percent of all Prime Time little cigars are sold here. Their main consumers are men over 40, and their popularity is due to their short smoking time.
Just like cigars, Prime Time little cigars consist of three components: a cover sheet, a binder sheet, and a filling. The cover leaf is made from both tobacco leaf and homogenized (made from tobacco dust). Finely chopped tobacco is used as a filler, which makes it possible to create very interesting blends. Most cigarillos use a mixture of different tobacco from different parts of the world, and in addition, all kinds of aromatic additives can be added there.
The thickness of cigarillos is the same as that of ordinary cigarettes, but the tobacco content is higher (up to 3 grams of tobacco in one product). By the way, this is one of the criteria for distinguishing a cigarillo from thin cigars: products weighing less than 3 grams belong to cigarillos, and everything that has a greater weight belongs to cigars. There are limits for their length, as well as their diameter – no higher than 100 and 12 mm, respectively. Summing up, we can say that the main advantages of Prime Time little cigars are their affordable cost and a short smoking time, which allows you to enjoy even in breaks between work, which cannot be said about cigars.
They are less demanding on storage conditions, and thanks to the use of shredded tobacco, manufacturers have the opportunity to create quite interesting fillers. And, as we wrote above, Prime Time little cigars can be equipped with charcoal filters and contain aromatic additives (vanilla, cherry, cappuccino and others), which certainly attracts buyers.