Today, all cigar lovers can appreciate the products of the company “EL GUAJIRO” – a tobacco factory from the Spanish island of Tenerife. The factory began its work in 1935 and today the production volume is about 45 million cigars and cigarillos per year. For production, both own and imported tobacco are used. The use of technology has made El Guayero little cigars more affordable in terms of price, but without compromising their quality. Cigars of this brand successfully compete with cigars from Cuba and other countries.
Middle class cigars, strong enough, smoke quickly, suitable for daily smoking. Homogenized binder sheet. Exceptions include: Robustos and El Guajiro Doble Coronas. Also, the factory produces cigarillos: Micos, Palmeritos, Aromas, Trompetas.
El Guayero little cigars – Trompetas Cocos * 5
Spanish middle-class cigarillos, strong enough, smoke quickly, suitable for daily smoking.
El Guayero little cigars – Trabucos Minis * 10
Spanish middle-class cigarillos, strong enough, smoke quickly, suitable for daily smoking.
Have you ever smoked El Guayero little cigars? This means that the moment has come when you can appreciate the famous tobacco products. Get ready for a unique experience. But before the smoking process itself, we recommend that you read the instructions that we wrote specifically for you. In it, we will tell you how to smoke cigarillos. We also give some tips to help you choose a quality product.
Cigarillos can be classified depending on how they were produced: there are machine-rolled cigarillos; there are also hand-rolled cigarillos. In the first case, chopped tobacco leaf is used. It is possible to use various types of tobacco. A cigarilla cover sheet may consist of both natural tobacco sheet and homogenized tobacco. Aromatization is often used. The consumer can smell apple, chocolate, etc.
Hand-rolled cigarillos do not give you special flavors. They allow you to feel the aroma of real tobacco. With this method, natural tobacco leaf is used for wrapping.
So, it’s worth understanding that cigarillos can be very different from each other. There are various production technologies, tobacco varieties, brands, aromatic additives. You just have to choose something to your liking. We hope our tips come in handy. Enjoy smoking!