If you do not have time to smoke a cigar or pipe, do not rush to grab a cigarette. There is a much more pleasant alternative – high-quality Colts LC little cigars that are smoked within only seven minutes. The taste of high-quality Colts LC little cigars is bright, natural and pure, it distinguishes a mixture of cigar tobaccos and Virginia. Of all the little cigars, which are presented on the market, they are undoubtedly one of the best versions.
In the sophisticated Colts LC little cigars, smokers will find the combination of the taste of high-quality cigar tobacco and expertly selected natural additives from other products sold under this brand. An additional line of perforation on the filter makes smoking more airy and easier. And the price, comparable with premium cigarettes, makes it possible to get acquainted with high-quality alternative smoking without any special costs.
Let us together research plenty of tastes of Colts LC little cigars.
Colts LC little cigars with Vanilla Taste “20
Soft Colts LC little cigars with a delicate aroma of vanilla. Smoke is gained for additional saturation and sweetness, passing through a sweetened filter equipped with perforations for even milder smoking.
Colts LC little cigars with a Dark Cocoa Taste “20
This weak, but very rich in taste cigar has a bright chocolate flavor. When smoking, it goes well with natural tobacco filler without excessive sweetness and flavoring.
Colts LC little cigars with original Taste “20
A mini-cigar with a weak natural tobacco taste, which is quite rare in this format. When smoking, you feel a slight natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos and weak nutty notes. A perforated filter further softens smoking.
In the sophisticated Colts LC little cigars, smokers will find the combination of the taste of high-quality cigar tobacco and expertly selected natural additives from other products sold under this brand. An additional line of perforation on the filter makes smoking more airy and easier. And the price, comparable with premium cigarettes, makes it possible to get acquainted with high-quality alternative smoking without any special costs.